Sunday, May 10, 2015

Fixing something that broke

Fixing my nanas pineapple

My Nana went to Sydney.She  brought back this pineapple ornament for our living room
at home. But then on the way back on the plane it broke a bit. So I fixed it for her with 
a hot glue gun and I learnt that kids can help fix things as well as adults! 

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Craft time!!

Craft time!!

I made this sheep using cotton earbuds, ribbon, felt, cardboard, glue, scissors and ice-block sticks.  I found this sheep on pinterest.  I had to cut a lot of earbuds to make the wool for the sheep.  This was quite messy because when I cut the earbuds they kept flinging out everywhere.

Step 1 - cut a handful of earbuds.
Step 2 - cut out cardboard into one oval and one little circle.
Step 3 - Draw a face on the circle cardboard.
Step 4 - Hot glue on all the earbuds into what shape you like for the wool.
Step 5 - Stick some earbuds on the face for the ears and the hair
Step 6 - Cut ribbon and glue to the top of the sheeps face like a bow for a little decoration.  Optional.
Step 7 - Cut two iceblock sticks into 4 pieces and glue them onto the bottom of the sheep for legs.
Step 8 - Glue the head onto the body
Step 9 -say all done!!! 

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Remember going on stage with your knees shaking.

Remember hearing performing people screaming while going down the slide.
That was fun Friday.
Remember doing cartwheels with Hannah.
Remember hearing the screaming after performing.
That was fun Friday
Remember getting a orange chocolate ice cream I could smell the orange it was sweet
Remember putting make up on for jump jam

that was fun Friday.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Ingredients list

                                              Surimi (crabmeat) (per 100g)     Chocolate yoghurt (per 100g)                     Butter popcorn
Energy                                  460kj                                                340kj                                                                312kj
Protein                                 5.6g                                                  3.7g                                                                   7.1g       
Fat total                               <1g                                                      .9g                                                                   10.5g
Carbohydrate                    18g                                                    14.3g                                                                 60.4g
Sodium                                450mg                                              55mg                                                                 339.0mg
Calcium                                                                                         215mg

Here are three foods i like. 

butter popcorn is the most unhealthy beacause it has lots of salt ,sugar and fat. 

Chocolate yoghurt is the healthiest although I thought the surimi would be the healthiest. 

Monday, March 16, 2015

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

5 line poem

yummy cheesey
choclate is better then pizza

if only pizza was magical and it could make 1 millon